Tuesday, December 23, 2014


So many wonderful things I have read lately about cardamom!  It seems that this is the season for an oil of this nature, more so than any other season since it does so much for respiratory ailments.  it should also ease the gastro discomfort that comes with the consuming too many different foods and beverages at the holiday parties! 

Here's what doTerra has to say about it:
"A close relative to Ginger, Cardamom is known as being the most expensive cooking spice and for being beneficial to the digestive system in a variety of ways. Cardamom is commonly used to help reduce indigestion and nausea, and to soothe stomach discomfort and promote digestion. Its distinct scent can lessen motion sickness while promoting a positive mood. Cardamom has profound effects on the respiratory system due to its high 1,8-cineole content, which promotes clear breathing and respiratory health" 
Primary Benefits:•     Eases indigestion and maintains an optimal gastrointestinal balance•     Promotes clear breathing and respiratory health•     Calms stomach upset and uplifts mood•     Flavorful spice for cooking and baking 
Uses:Use internally as part of a daily health regimen to support healthy gastrointestinal function. 
Diffuse or apply topically to promote clear breathing. 
Add to bread, smoothies, meats, and salads to enhance food flavor and aid digestion. 
Diffuse or inhale to alleviate feelings of nausea or motion sickness 
Cardamom has profound effects on the respiratory system due to its high 1, 8-cineole content, which promotes clear breathing and respiratory health. Cardamom is also added to traditional Indian sweets and teas for its cool, yet minty aroma and flavor.