Friday, August 29, 2014

How do you use essential oils?

Usually one of the first things I'm asked about essential oils, after the "What are they" question, is "How do you use them?"  Typically people think they are just for smelling.

Essential oils can be applied topically, inhaled, or ingested.  How an essential oil should be used depends on the goal of use, the properties of the oil, and safety concerns. Depending on the desired effect of the oil, many people use a combination of delivery methods.

Safety Issues. With all of these applications, it’s important to research into proper use for each essential oil, especially for children and pregnant and nursing mothers.  Not all oils will work for you, the way they work for someone else.  And, just like everything else you eat or ingest, make sure that they do not have a reaction to any type of medication you are taking.  Some oils should not be used with certain medications.  DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!  Some oils are considered "hot" which means they can irritate skin easily, so may need to be diluted, and should not be ingested.  
Topical Application. Essential oils can be applied to the skin, which is somewhat permeable, to be absorbed into the blood stream. Some areas of skin (under arms, head, palms, soles of feet, etc.) are more permeable than others. The most common place of application is the soles of the feet, however some oils used for stress and headaches are often applied to the head or neck.  Warming or massaging the skin may also increase absorbency.  However heating the oils is not recommended, as the oils do not keep their composition (remember learning in science class that heat is one way to chemically change a substance?  It's the same here.)  There are some who apply them in a certain manner, on the spine and feel that the order in which they are applied is important as well.  I've not yet dug into that research!  I apply Deep Blue directly to the spot that causes pain.  It gives a sensation, and smells, much like Ben Gay.  That's the wintergreen oil.
Essential oils are most often applied to the skin along with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil, or as an ingredient in lotions and other beauty products. Some essential oils can be applied to the skin neat (alone without a carrier oil), although there are some who feel that the oils should never be applied neat.  I am not one of them.  I apply my oils neat nearly all the time.
Inhalation. When essential oils are inhaled, or used aromatically, droplets of the oil are absorbed by the lungs. They can be inhaled by diffusing them in a special essential oil diffuser, a scent pod, humidifier, or simply by smelling the bottle of oil. many people just put a drop in their palm, rub their hands together and cup their hands over the nose and inhale.  That's what I do as well.  The effectiveness of each of these delivery methods varies. An essential oil diffuser is expensive but seems to be the best method of inhalation, as it does not heat the oil.
Ingestion. This is also a debated use of essential oils. Some argue that they should never be ingested while others ingest them all the time. The most important aspect of ingestion is to use only certified certified therapeutic grade oils, like the one that are sold by doTERRA.  and as always DO YOUR RESEARCH.. Some oils should never be ingested; even if they are made by doTERRA.

Does quality matter?

The quality of the oils used will impact their function and potency. Quality is indicated by how pure the oils are, grade and integrity.
None of these factors are defined or regulated by the government. In other words, if you see a purity/quality claim by a company, they get to define what that actually means and are not held accountable to an external standard. However, quality has a big impact on how much you pay and who you buy your oils from. 
Low quality oils are usually less expensive, have "fillers" and synthetic (chemical) components to them.  These types of oils are NOT oils you want to ingest.  They are NOT purely natural.  I only use doTERRA oils. Even though they may be a little more expensive, I know they are pure, and feel confident that I am getting the best quality I can get.

Monday, August 4, 2014

What oil should I use?

The Modern Essentials book, is a wonderful resource for oils.  You can look up by the oil, or by the ailment.  Since, you probably don't have a book, for your convenience, here's a list of ailments with correlating doTERRA essential oils and usage suggestions.  This list in certainly not exhaustive!   

Essential Oils A to Z

ABDOMINAL CRAMPS: DigestZen, Basil, Clary Sage. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically to abdomen.
ACHES: Marjoram, Deep Blue, Birch. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
ACNE: Melaleuca, Lemongrass, Lavender. Usage: apply topically to affected areas daily.
ADD or ADHD: Serenity, Balance, Vetiver, Lavender.
ALLERGIES: Breathe, Lavender, Eucalyptus. Usage: apply topically to back of neck or under nose and on bridge of nose.
AMNESIA: Frankincense, Peppermint, Rosemary. Usage: apply topically to forehead, temples, base of skull and behind the ears.
or take internally in a capsule or diffuse into the air and inhale.
ANEMIA: Lemon, Lemongrass, Helichrysum. Usage: apply to bottom of feet or insides of wrists.
ANXIETY: Serenity, Lavender, Elevation. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or massage onto back, feet and hands.
APPETITE SUPPRESSANT: Grapefruit, Slim & Sassy. Usage: add to water and drink or diffuse into the air and inhale.
ARTHRITIC PAIN: Deep Blue, Frankincense, Lavender. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
ASTHMA: Breathe, Eucalyptus, Peppermint. Usage: diffuse into the air or apply to bottom of feet, or take internally in a capsule.
ATHEROSCLEROSIS: Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
ATHLETE’S FOOT: Oregano, Melaleuca, Lemon. Usage: apply to area between toes and around toenails.
AUTISM: Balance, Vetiver, Frankincense. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale.
BACK PAIN: Deep Blue, Eucalyptus, Wintergreen. Usage: massage into back as needed.
BEE STING: Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Melaleuca. Usage: apply topically to sting or bite several times daily until symptoms cease.
BELL’S PALSY: Peppermint, Helichrysum, Rosemary. Usage: massage on front and behind ear and painful areas until symptoms subside.
BLEEDING: Helichrysum, Geranium. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
BLEEDING GUMS: Cinnamon, Peppermint, Wintergreen. Usage: gargle several times daily or apply topically to gums several times daily.
BLISTERS ON FEET: Lavender, Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile. Usage: apply topically to blistered area.
BLOATING: DigestZen, Peppermint, Clary Sage. Usage: apply topically to stomach area and to bottoms of feet or take internally in a capsule.
BLOOD CLOT IN VEINS: Cypress, Helichrysum, Clove. Usage: apply topically to affected area and to bottoms of feet or take internally in a capsule.
BOILS: Clove, Thyme, Oregano. Usage: apply topically to affected area
BONE PAIN: Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Cypress. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
BONE SPURS: Wintergreen, Cypress, Marjoram. Usage: apply topically over affected area
BRONCHITIS: Breathe, Eucalyptus, Thyme. Usage: apply topically to chest and neck area, gargle hourly or diffuse.
BRUISES: Cypress, Helichrysum, Deep Blue. Usage: apply topically to bruised area
BUNIONS: Deep Blue, Basil, Cypress. Usage: apply to affected area or joint
BURNS: Lavender, Melaleuca, Geranium. Usage: apply gently to affected area

CALLOUSES: Oregano. Usage: apply topically to affected area
CANDIDA: Melaleuca, On Guard, Peppermint. Usage: apply topically to chest and on bottom of feet or take internally in a capsules several times daily
CANKER SORES: Melaleuca, On Guard, Oregano. Usage: apply directly to canker sore or gargle.
CATARACTS Clover, Lavender. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically to temples
CAVITIES: OnGuard, Melaleuca, Peppermint. Usage: apply topically to bottoms of feet or take internally in a capsule.
CELLULITE: Rosemary, Grapefruit, Lemon. Usage: massage vigorously on cellulite locations daily especially before exercising or add to water and drink throughout the day.
CHAPPED SKIN: Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood, Lavender. Usage: apply topically to affected area as often as needed.
CHICKEN POX: Lavender, Melaleuca, Sandalwood. Usage: dilute with a carrier oil and dab lightly on spots.
CHRONIC FATIGUE: On Guard, Peppermint, Basil. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically to muscles and joints.
CHRONIC PAIN: Peppermint, Deep Blue, Wintergreen. Usage: massage into affected area as needed or take internally in a capsule.
CLOGGED PORES: Lemon, Wild Orange, Melaleuca. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
COLD: On Guard, Thyme, Melaleuca. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or gargle or take internally in a capsule.
COLD SORES: On Guard, Lemon, Melaleuca. Usage: apply to cold sores as soon as it starts and repeat several times daily.
COLIC: Marjoram, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot. Usage: dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically to stomach and back.
COLITIS: Peppermint, DigestZen, Helichrysum. Usage: massage over lower abdomen area or take internally in a capsule.
CONCUSSION: Frankincense, Cypress. Usage: take internally in a capsule.
CONGESTION: Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Peppermint. Usage: diffuse or
gargle, massage onto forehead, nose, cheeks, lower throat, chest and upper back.
CONJUNCTIVITIS: Melaleuca, Lavender. Usage: apply around (but NOT in) the eyes or apply to bottoms of feet several times daily.
CONSTIPATION: DigestZen, Marjoram, Lemon. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically to stomach or feet.
CONVULSIONS: Lavender, Clary Sage, Balance. Usage: apply topically to corn several times daily.
CORNS: Lemon, Grapefruit, Oregano. Usage: massage into neck and chest or gargle or diffuse into the air and inhale.
COUGH: Lemon, Breathe, Melaleuca. Usage: massage into neck and chest or gargle or diffuse into the air and inhale.
CRAMPS: Rosemary, Cypress, Marjoram. Usage: massage on cramped muscles several times daily or take internally in a capsule.
CROUP: Marjoram, Thyme, Sandalwood. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to chest and neck.
CUTS: Lavender, Melaleuca, Bergamot. Usage: dilute with a carrier oil and apply to affected area.
CYST: Oregano, Thyme. Usage: apply topically to affected area as needed.
CYSTITIS: Thyme, Lemongrass, Clove. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply a warm compress over bladder.

DANDRUFF: Cypress, Lavender, Rosemary. Usage: dilute and massage into scalp. Rinse after 60-90 minutes.
DEHYDRATED SKIN: Geranium, Lavender. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
DENTAL INFECTION: Wintergreen, Birch, Helichrysum. Usage: apply on gums and around teeth.
DEPRESSION Elevation, Citrus Bliss, Lavender. Usage: add to a warm bath or diffuse into the air and inhale.
DIABETES: Coriander, Basil, Balance. Usage: take a couple drops of coriander internally in a capsule morning and evening and apply a couple drops of Balance topically to feet in the evening.
DIABETIC SORES: Lavender, Balance. Usage: apply topically to back, feet and over pancreas or diffuse into the air and inhale.
DIARRHEA: Peppermint, Ginger, DigestZen. Usage: dilute and apply topically to affected area several times daily.
DIZZINESS: Cypress, Peppermint, Basil. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale as needed or apply topically to temples, back of neck and shoulders.
DRY SKIN: Geranium, Chamomile, Lemon. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
EAR INFECTION: Melaleuca, Purify, Lavender. Usage: apply to cotton ball and place over ear.
ECZEMA: Helichrysum, Thyme, Geranium. Usage: apply topically to affected area as needed.
EDEMA: Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Cypress, Geranium,Rosemary, Cedarwood, Juniper Berry. Usage:Dilute as recommended, and apply 1-2 drops on location.
EPILEPSY: Frankincense, Clary sage, Sandalwood. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or take internally in a capsule or massage.
EXHAUSTION: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Lemon. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to back and feet.
FAINTING: Peppermint, Sandalwood, Rosemary. Usage: inhale directly.
FATIGUE: Lemongrass, Basil, Lemon. Usage: inhale directly or diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically on temples and behind ears as needed.
FEVER: Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus. Usage: apply to forehead, temples and back of neck or take internally in a capsule or diffuse into the air and inhale
FLATULENCE: Peppermint, Lavender, Ginger. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically to abdomen
FLU: Breathe, On Guard, Oregano. Usage: take internally in a capsule or diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to chest.
FOOD POISONING: Rosemary, DigestZen, On Guard. Usage: take internally in a capsule several time daily and apply topically to stomach area.

GASTRITIS: Peppermint, Digest Zen, Lemongrass. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically over stomach area as needed.
GINGIVITIS: Clove, Melaleuca, Peppermint. Usage: Gargle many times daily or as needed.
UM DISEASE: Melaleuca, On Guard, Usage: apply topically to bottoms of feet.
HAIR LOSS: Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender. Usage: dilute 5 drop in 20 drops of a carrier oil and massage into scalp each night.
HANGOVER: Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary. Usage: add to warm bath or apply of neck and over liver.
HEAD LICE: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon. Usage: dilute and apply to entire scalp, then shampoo and rinse 30 minutes later. Repeat daily for several days.
HEADACHE: Peppermint, Lavender, Wintergreen. Usage: diffuse into the air and apply topically to forehead, temples, back of neck and behind ears.
HEARTBURN: Peppermint, Ginger, Lemon. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically to chest.
HEATSTROKE: Peppermint, Lavender. Usage: apply topically to forehead and back of neck, chest and back.
HICCUPS: Chamomile, Lemon, Cypress. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or massage into chest and stomach area.
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Lavender, Marjoram, Eucalyptus. Usage: do a full body massage daily or diffuse into the air and inhale or take internally in a capsule.
HORMONAL BALANCE: Zendocrine, Usage: Massage on bottoms of feet. Diffuse or inhale the aroma directly. Take 3-5 drops of Zendocrine oil blend in capsules once a day.
HOT FLASHES: Balance, Peppermint, Clary Sage. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to back of neck.
HYPERACTIVITY: Lavender, Vetiver, Serenity. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or inhale directly.
IMPOTENCE: Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Sandalwood. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to temples, wrists and back of neck.
INDIGESTION: Ginger, Orange, Peppermint. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply topically over stomach area.
INFECTION: Clove, Thyme, Oregano. Usage: dilute with a carrier oil and apply to infected area or diffuse.
INFLAMMATION: Wintergreen, Peppermint, Eucalyptus. Usage: apply topically to affected area or take internally in a capsule.
INSECT ALLERGIES: Lavender, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca. Usage: apply topically to affected area.
INSECT REPELLENT: TerraShield, Eucalyptus, Lemon. Usage: dilute with carrier oil and apply to exposed skin as needed.
INSOMNIA: Serenity, Lavender, Chamomile. Usage: add to a warm bath, rub on feet and behind ears and diffuse into the air.
ITCHING: Peppermint, Oregano, Lavender. Usage: apply topically to affected area as needed.
JET LAG: Peppermint, Bergamot, Rosemary. Usage:apply calming oils like Lavender and Geranium to bottoms of feet at night and invigorating oils like Peppermint and Eucalyptus in the morning.
JOINT PAIN: Wintergreen, Birch, Deep Blue. Usage: massage into affected area as needed.
KIDNEY INFECTION: Rosemary, Usage: dilute as recommended and apply to kidneys and reflex points on the feet. Drink 1 gallon of distilled water and 2 quarts cranberry juice in one day.
KIDNEY STONES: Lemon, Eucalyptus, Juniper Berry, Usage: apply as a hot compress over kidneys. Dilute as recommended and apply 1-2 drops on location.
LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: Lemongrass. Usage: take internally in a capsule.
LEG CRAMPS: Clary Sage, Cypress, Lavender. Usage: massage into legs.
LICE: Eucalyptus, TerraShield, Rosemary. Usage: massage into the scalp and apply topically to bottoms of feet several times daily.
LOSS OF APPETITE: Ginger, Wild orange, Lavender. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or take internally in a capsule.
MEASLES: Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Melaleuca. Usage: apply on spots several times daily or add to bath and soak for at least 30 minutes daily.
MENOPAUSE: Clary Sage, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile. Usage: apply topically to abdomen, bottoms or feet and back of neck.
MENSTRUAL PAIN: Clary Sage, Rosemary, Peppermint. Usage: massage into abdomen, lower back and shoulders or apply a warm compress over uterus area or take internally in a capsule.
MIGRAINE: Helichrysum, PastTense, Sandalwood. Usage: apply topically to forehead, temples, base of skull and behind the ears or inhale directly as needed.
MOLD: Cinnamon, Oregano, Thyme. Usage: diffuse into the air where mold is present.
MORNING SICKNESS: Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint. Usage: apply topically behind ears and over navel hourly or diffuse into the air and inhale.
MOTION SICKNESS: Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint. Usage: apply topically behind the ears and over navel or diffuse into the air and inhale.
MUSCLE PAIN: Peppermint, Deep Blue, Clove. Usage: apply topically to affected muscles.
NAUSEA: Ginger, Lavender, DigestZen. Usage: apply topically behind ears and over navel hourly or diffuse into the air and inhale or under tongue as needed.
NECK PAIN: Basil, Marjoram, Helichrysum. Usage: massage onto neck several times daily.
NERVOUS FATIGUE: Helichrysum, Thyme, Peppermint. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to temples, behind ears and on back of neck.
NOSE BLEEDS: Helichrysum, Geranium, Lavender. Usage: apply topically to the bridge and sides of nose and back of neck as needed.

OILY HAIR: Basil, Cypress, Thyme. Usage: add to shampoo when washing hair.

PAIN: Peppermint, Wintergreen, Birch. Usage: massage into affected area.
PALPITATIONS: Ylang Ylang, Wild Orange, Lavender. Usage: apply topically on chest area.
PARASITES: Oregano, Peppermint, Ginger. Usage: take internally in a capsule or apply warm compress over intestinal area.
PNEUMONIA: Breathe, On Guard, Thyme, Cinnamon Oregano, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lavender, Lemon, Frankincense, Myrrh. Dilute as recommended and apply to chest, back, and reflex on the feet.
QUINCY: Black Pepper, Usage: apply to reflex points and /or directly on area of concern: diffuse.
RASHES: Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood. Usage: dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically to affected area.

SCARRING: Helichrysum, Lavender, Frankincense. Usage: apply topically over wound daily until healed.
SHINGLES: Melaleuca, Oregano, Sandalwood. Usage: apply topically to affected area, on back of neck and along the spine.
SHOCK: Helichrysum, Peppermint, Melaleuca. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically on temples, under nose and on back of neck.
SINUS CONGESTION: Sandalwood, Thyme, Eucalyptus. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale several times daily.
SINUS HEADACHE: Rosemary, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale several times daily.
SORE THROAT: On Guard, Lemon, Melaleuca. Usage: gargle or diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to throat, chest, and back of neck several times daily.
SPRAINS: Wintergreen Lemongrass, Basil. Usage: apply topically to affected area
STOMACH ACHE: DigestZen. Usage: apply topically to stomach area.
STREP THROAT: OnGuard, Oregano, Thyme. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or gargle or take internally in a capsule several times daily.
STRESS: Grapefruit, Elevation Bergamot. Usage: diffuse into the air and massage shoulders, back and feet.
STRETCH MARKS: Cypress, Geranium, Lavender Usage: apply topically to affected areas a couple times daily.
STROKE: Helichrysum, Cypress, Peppermint. Usage: apply topically on temples, forehead, behind ears and on back of neck or take internally in a capsule.
SUNBURN: Lavender, Melaleuca, Helichrysum. Usage: apply gently to affected area.

TEETHING PAIN: Clove, Wintergreen, Roman Chamomile. Usage: apply topically to affected tooth and gum or gargle several times daily.
TENNIS ELBOW: Deep Blue, Eucalyptus, Peppermint. Usage: apply topically to affected area as needed.
TENSION HEADACHE: Peppermint, Lavender, Marjoram. Usage: apply topically to forehead, temples, back of neck and behind ears.
TOOTHACHE: Clove, Melaleuca, Purify. Usage: apply to gums or add to water to gargle and swallow.

ULCERS: Frankincense, Myrrh, Lemon, Oregano, Rose, Thyme, Clove, Bergamot. Usage: dilute as recommended and apply 1-2 drops over area. Apply as warm compress.

VARICOSE VEINS: Cypress, Helichrysum, Lemongrass. Usage: massage into affected area several times daily.
VERTIGO: Ginger, Helichrysum, Geranium. Usage: massage on tops of ears and behind ears.
VOMITING: Ginger, Peppermint. Usage: diffuse into the air and inhale or apply topically to stomach area.
WARTS: Oregano, Melaleuca, OnGuard. Usage: apply topically to wart several times daily.
WASP STING: Lavender, Purify. Usage: apply topically to sting.
WHIPLASH: Deep Blue, Lemongrass, Marjoram. Usage: apply topically to neck, shoulders and back.
WORMS: DigestZen, Lavender, Rosemary. Usage: apply topically to stomach area and on the bottoms of feet.
WOUNDS: Basil,Clove, Helichrysum, Lavender, Lemongrass, Purify, Melaleuca, Rosemary. Usage: dilute and apply to affected area several times daily
WRINKLES: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Geranium. Usage: dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically to affected areas.
YOGA: Sandalwood, Cedarwood. Usage: diffuse into the air.
How to order dōTERRA essential oils

1. Retail price click here(Please don’t pay retail price unless you are purchasing 1 or 2 oils for less than $50; becoming a Preferred Member will save you money if you plan on purchasing more than $50 in product).
2. Preferred member – Save 20% on the retail price for a one-time $10 membership fee (pays for itself if you purchase $50 or more in product) click here.
3. Wholesale member / Wellness Advocate – Save 25% on the retail price for a $35 membership fee (pays for itself if you purchase $140 or more in product) click here.
To become a preferred member or a wholesale member / Wellness Advocate, click here
Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP)
dōTERRA offers an opportunity for you to get free oils! A no-hassle, automatic shipment of the dōTERRA products you use on a monthly basis. LRP provides free product credits for monthly purchases ordered on the program.
**Please note that selecting the option to “Join as an Independent Consultant” does not require you to sell dōTERRA products; it allows you to purchase all dōTERRA products at wholesale cost.
If you decide to place an order, please fill out the contact form below so that I can offer you support as you start your journey in holistic healing with dōTERRA essential oils!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Aromatools website

This is a great website with all the things you need for "essentially" anything you may need as it relates to essential oils.  They endorse doTERRA. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Modern Essentials app

This seems to be a cool app.  $6.99 and it does a whole lot.  Check out the website and see for yourself.

If you click on conditions it will take you to the personal usage page which tells which oils may help you, if you click on oils you can look at a specific oil and find information about that particular oil.